Respect Chico campaign

Respect Chico gives business owners, students, and the community an opportunity to give back.


Graduation & Memorial Day

Graduation & Memorial Day are big events in our community, but often leave our downtown a huge mess.


How Krissy Helps

Krissy, along with other community members, spend the day picking up trash and cleaning up the streets of Chico.

Volunteer | June 2013


I love my hometown of Chico! I grew up here and moved back when my children were young. We are a fairly small city, but our population grows by about 30,000 when our university is in session. This year, in an effort to keep our streets clean and safe, the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Association launched the Respect Chico campaign. Respect Chico gives business owners, students, and the community an opportunity to give back.

The really great thing about it all, was that everyone was happy to be there helping to clean up. Business owners and other people in the community shared their appreciation for what we were doing. It was a gorgeous day and really a great way to enjoy being in downtown, the center of our close knit community. I was so happy to give back to the hometown that I love!

The Organization

Respect Chico

Respect Chico is a public outreach campaign started by local bar and restaurant owners in Downtown Chico, California. Their mission is to be part of the solution, provide education and contribute to a safe community. Respect Chico posts these five tips: 1. Everyone needs a designated driver to get home safe. Make sure you or your dd has fund and drinks non-alcoholic beverages. 2. Pay attention to the alcohol content in your beverage of choice 3. Drin a glass of water in between every alcoholic drin you consume. 4. Alcohol is enough. Mixing drugs, especially prescription drugs, on top of alcoholic beverages can be deadly. 5. Everyone needs a wingman - even you. If you or a friend is overly-intoxicated, incoherent or vomiting, help is needed. Don't be afraid to call for help!